Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Grid Segmentation Campaigns

Grid Segmentation campaigns allow the construction of a 'Waterfall' based segmentation strategy. They govern the first communication to recipients of the campaign, executed as a one-off batch type process similar to traditional marketing strategies.

The grid allows users to create complex combinations of Filter and Cell rows, where Filter rows create logical groups of recipients and Cell rows allow further segmentation of those groups to create cell outputs with a defined Tactic and Creative.

Typically, the grid will only process once (this is the system default), in line with the time item on the Start track. After processing the grid, the campaign can be considered as complete. To enable even more flexibility, all recipients will actually then pass through the Start Track to allow the campaign to become more of an engagement style, trigger based campaign. This means that further follow up communications, regardless of channel, can all be part of the same campaign with a Customer Journey constructed around the original batch communication.

Note: Your administrator can set up Campaign Manager to allow grid processing to occur beyond the campaign start. To enable this functionality, clear the Lock Inclusions After Start check box in the grid's Audience tab.

If your grid processes once (system default), the audience defined at the start of the campaign remains the same through the campaign's lifetime. However, it is important to note that suppressions are dynamic, based on the suppression rules.

If your grid processes multiple times (setting configured by an administrator), the included audience is recalculated, and therefore could change every time it is run.

You can add further segmentation by using a Global N per X rule. For example, one recipient per Household or one per Account, with the addition of a criteria column to select the recipient with the highest lifetime value. Cells can also be sampled using an exact count or, for cells with no segmentation criteria, a percentage of the parent filter.

At a global level a default tactic can be set, although for each output cell a different tactic can be configured. Up to 25 variables can be applied as part of the Grid processing for items such as marketing codes or other required cell level labels.

Creating your campaigns in this way allows you to target a specific segment of your audience with different criteria, and a specific relevant tactic for this criteria can be applied. For example, if you are running a holiday campaign you may wish to target under 30's with a European break based on a cheaper budget. Then you could target people over 50 with a far flung exotic non-European destination based on a higher budget range. In this example, a unique tactic outlining the relevant offer can be applied to each of the cells. All other recipients in additional cells who you do not wish to target with these specific offers can receive a global tactic.

To create a grid Campaign, ensure that you have:

  • Set the campaign key
  • Created the campaign tactics
  • Defined the campaign audience.
    Note:If an audience is not defined, the grid campaign will use the total number of records from the table used to define the campaign key.

When clicking the Grid tab, the grid campaign appears as follows:

Click the Run Counts button to display the counts included in the Audience.

Before any filters and/or cells are applied the counts on the grid campaign can be seen as follows:

Row Available Gross
1 The total number of records on the table used to define the Campaign Key. The total number of records in the audience inclusion segments.
2 The total number of records in the audience inclusion The total number of records in the audience exclusion segments.
3 The total number of records in the audience inclusion segments minus any inclusion segments  

Constructing the grid

Construct the grid using the following buttons located at the bottom of the grid:

Button Description
Add Filter Adds a filter row to the grid campaign. Note that the filter row is always added to the bottom of the grid.
Add child filter Adds a child filter to a selected filter row on a campaign.
Add Cell Allows you to apply a cell to the grid campaign, and can also be placed as a child item of a highlighted row.
Manage Variables Allows you to select up to 25 variables for use on the grid campaign.
Auto Cell Codes Applies numbering to the cells used on the grid campaign. This cell numbering is then available to use with the Check Cell tool within a Campaign track. Cell codes can also be inserted manually. Note that Cell codes must be applied to cells in order to process the Campaign.
Popup Editor Select this check box to expand the selection pop-up for easier viewing and editing.
Export to Excel Creates a management style report of the grid contents, including the counts for pre-execution review.
Import from Excel Allows Excel spreadsheets to be imported into a grid, either directly from Excel, or by exporting into Excel from Campaign Manager then re-imported back into the system.

During creation of the Grid, click the Run Counts button to see running totals. The counts are calculated as follows:

Row Type Available Gross Net Total
Filter The total number of recipients available to the row prior to any segmentation. The total number of recipients in the row after a segmentation rule. The total number of recipients in the row after segmentation rule and Sampling and/or N per X. N/A
Cell The total number of recipients available to the row prior to any segmentation. The total number of recipients in the row after a segmentation rule. The total number of recipients in the row after segmentation rule and Sampling and/or N per X. A running total of the number of recipients exported in the entire grid.

Additional Functionality

Grids support the use of a right-click menu. Right-click on a row line to select one of the following options:

The right-click functions are also available on the ribbon bar and from the View button menu options.

Keyboard keys can also be used when working with Grid Campaigns as follows:

Key Description
Insert Inserts a row at the bottom of the grid.
Default Deletes a row, and any related child rows.
Home Takes you to the start of the horizontal scroll bar.
End Takes you to the end of the horizontal scroll bar.
Page Up Takes the vertical scroll bar to the top of the grid.
Page Down Takes the vertical scroll bar to the end of the grid.
Select rows and click Delete Deletes the selected rows in the grid. Note that Audience rows cannot be deleted.

You can also use the following standard controls:

  • Ctrl: Selects multiple rows on the grid
  • Shift: Selects multiple rows on the grid
  • Ctrl+c: Copies rows
  • Ctrl+x: Cuts rows
  • Ctrl+v: Pastes rows

Grid Performance

The grid may take some time to process when you click the Run Counts button if there are a high volume of cells within a Campaign.

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